From the discovery of fire to the technological frontiers of the future, Empire Earth 2 serves up...
From the discovery of fire to the technological frontiers of the future, Empire Earth 2 serves up worldwide conquest on an epic scale. Players will take control of a fledgling civilization and strive to forge the greatest of all empires. The game builds upon the success of its predecessor by adding unique units, powers, leaders, and inherent bonuses to all of the game's 14 different civilizations. The new Crown System will provide temporary, but potent, rewards for players who demonstrate excellent military, economic, imperialistic, or cultural ability. Multiplayer competition will feature nine different game types, including new additions to the series such as "Hot Spots," which force gamers to capture and hold positions of strategic importance.
Link Download :
Size: 236 MB
=> Download Empire Earth II Full Version | Mirrorcreator
Link Download :
Size: 236 MB
=> Download Empire Earth II Full Version | Mirrorcreator
System Minimum Requirements :
- CPU: Pentium 4 or Athlon XP 1.5 Ghz
- RAM: 256 MB
- OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP (NT & 95 not supported
- Video Card: 64 MB 3D DirectX 9.0c compatible video card with Hardware T & L and Pixel Shader support (NVIDIA GeForce 3+, ATI Radeon 8500+)
- DirectX version: 9.0c (included with product)
- Sound Card: Yes
- Free Disk Space: 1.5 GB
How to Install :
- Extract
- Mount
- Install
- Play Game
- Enjoy
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